z390 Portable Mainframe Assembler and Emulator

z390 Project Development

Automated Software Tools Corporation
The z390 Project is looking for experienced mainframe assembler system programmers with Java J2SE experience to join the Project management group and help chart the future direction of the project.  If you are interested or just want to observe for a while, join the project discussion group and help support the project.  Join by sending any email message to:


Possible uses for the z390 tool which could drive future development include:

  • Provide development and testing tool for assembler developers
  • Provide way to port assembler applications to different platforms as part of reengineering
  • Provide hands on education tool for developers training to support assembler applications

Other objectives which can also help drive the project include:

  • The need for speed - How can z390 Java performance be improved
  • The need for portability - How can z390 code be made more portable
  • The need for maintainable code - How can the z390 code be improved and managed


This page last updated Sunday September 07, 2008.   Webmaster  Sitemap
Copyright 2008 Automated Software Tools Corporation