z390 COBOL Assembler List
Support as of v1.4.01b |
z390 COBOL Portable Assembler Support provides open source
utilities and support modules required to generate z390 assembler
source programs from mainframe COBOL compiler assembler list
output option. The generated z390 assembler source programs
can then be assembled, linked, and executed along with other
mainframe assembler programs on any z390 supported
platform including Windows and Linux. This capability can be
used as an educational aide for those interested in learning how
the assembler code generated from COBOL code works, plus it can be
used for unit testing and benchmarking alternative coding methods. There is
an option to select a range of COBOL lines to be executed.
See specific COBOL version support below for details:
z390 COBOL
Portable Assembler Support by type:
COBOL References:
z390 Enterprise COBOL Portable Assembler Support
The z390 Enterprise COBOL portable
assembler support consists for the following components:
cobol\PAECGEN.MLC - z390 utility to read
COBOL generated assembler list txt file via DDNAME=SYSUT1 and
produced z390 assembler source program MLC file via
cobol\PAECGEN.BAT - command to generate,
assemble, link, and execute portable assembler program with
optional SYSPARM(nn:mm) to specify starting COBOL line number
nn and ending line number mm.
cobol\PAECINT.MLC/OBJ - statically linked
interface module included with each generated program.
cobol\PAECLINT.CPY - copybook with shared
cobol\PAECLIB.MLC/390 - dynamically loaded
support module used by all generated programs. Currently
the following COBOL verb generated library call functions are
(Sample programs with requests for
additional support welcome)
cobol\paec - subdirectory with sample
program and command files
ECDEMO1.TXT - sample hello world program
txt file (waiting for permission from user to include)
ECDEMO1.BAT - command with SYSPARM(51:52)
to execute just the DISPLAY and STOP RUN lines.
ECDEMO1.LOG - sample output from generated
"Hello World" demo program.
z390 COBOL for OS/390 and VM Portable Assembler Support
The z390 COBOL for OS/390 and VM portable
assembler support consists for the following components:
cobol\PAOSGEN.MLC - z390 utility to read
COBOL generated assembler list txt file via DDNAME=SYSUT1 and
produced z390 assembler source program MLC file via
cobol\PAOSGEN.BAT - command to generate,
assemble, link, and execute portable assembler program with
optional SYSPARM(nn:mm) to specify starting COBOL line number
nn and ending line number mm.
cobol\PAOSINT.MLC/OBJ - statically linked
interface module included with each generated program.
cobol\PAOSLINT.CPY - copybook with shared
cobol\PAOSLIB.MLC/390 - dynamically loaded
support module used by all generated programs. Currently
the following COBOL verb generated library call functions are
supported in addition to inline code::
(Sample programs with requests for
additional library function support welcome)
cobol\paos - subdirectory with sample
program and command files
OSDEMO1.TXT - sample program found on the
OSDEMO1.BAT - command with SYSPARM(510:515)
to execute just the DISPLAY "What to do now" and STOP RUN
The command cobol\paos\OSDEMO1 will read
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.TXT file
and generate the following output files:
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.MLC - generated assembler
source program
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.PRN - assembler
listing with any translation errors
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.OBJ - mainframe
compatible assembler object module
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.LST - linker listing
with any unresolved reference errors
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.390 - z390 executable
load module (only if no errors above)
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.LOG - z390 execution
log with any execution errors
cobol\paos\OSDEMO1.TRE - optional detail
instruction trace if you add option TRACE to command
IBM, CICS, ESA, MQ Series, MQM, MVS, OS/390, VSAM,
z9, z10, and z/OS are registered trademarks
of International Business Machines Corporation
This page last updated
Tuesday May 27, 2008.
Copyright 2005 Automated Software Tools Corporation