z390 EXEC CICS Compatible Assembler Support V5 |
Z390 CICS compatible assembler application transaction
manager support has been developed by Melvyn Maltz and is distributed as open source in the Z390\CICS directory. The Z390 CICS compatible transaction manager includes a server supporting multiple local and remote sessions connected via a TCP/IP network. The transaction server can be started by running CICS\Z390CICG.BAT which also starts local terminal sessions. Remote clients can be started by running CICS\Z390KCPL.BAT for multiple remotes or CICS\Z390KCPR.BAT for a single remote for tracing and testing. The EZ390 runtime emulation TCPIO macro and SVC support for SOA client server messaging is used to request CICS functions from the server and to pass data and status back to the Client on a TCP/IP network. Starting with z390 v1.3.08h, the CICS compatible transaction manager supports all VSAM base datasets for read and browse functions. Startubg with
z390 v1.4.02, the CICS compatilbe transaction manager supports Basic Mapping
Support (BMS).
Z390 macro assembler and emulator support features supporting the
above |
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This page last updated
Sunday September 07, 2008.
2008 Automated Software Tools Corporation